Reduce AWS Lambda costs with these tips

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AWS Lambda cost saving tips

Optimize your AWS Lambda costs with these tips

Choose Memory Wisely

Rightsizing your Lambda function is essential. You must find a good balance between CPU and memory usage. You can use AWS Lambda Power Tuning profiler or AWS Compute Optimizer to find a sweet spot for your function. Higher memory functions might be more expensive, but they might also finish their work faster.

Utilize Savings Plan

With the AWS Savings Plan you can reduce your EC2, Lambda and ECS Fargate costs. Ideally you would pick the no-upfront savings plan for a longer term. If you are using AWS organizations, make sure to share the savings plan. Purchase saving plans incrementally so you can stack them and utilize them fully.

Utilize Savings Plan

With the AWS Savings Plan you can reduce your EC2, Lambda and ECS Fargate costs. Ideally you would pick the no-upfront savings plan for a longer term. If you are using AWS organizations, make sure to share the savings plan. Purchase saving plans incrementally so you can stack them and utilize them fully.