Reduce Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) costs with these tips

Object storage built to retrieve any amount of data from anywhere

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) cost saving tips

Optimize your Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) costs with these tips

Reduce Data Transfer Costs

If you are using S3 from within an AWS VPC in combination with a NAT Gateway, you can have high data transfer costs for S3. You can prevent those costs by opting to use a VPC Gateway endpoint for S3. Data transfer over these VPC endpoints is free allowing you to save significantly on data transfer costs.

Utilize Storage Classes

S3 objects can be stored in several storage classes. The storage classes range from Standard to Deep Archive. Transitioning selected objects based on duration can be cost effective in most cases. However, when using storage classes, you must be aware of the minimum capacity charge and minimum storage duration charge.

Utilize Storage Classes

S3 objects can be stored in several storage classes. The storage classes range from Standard to Deep Archive. Transitioning selected objects based on duration can be cost effective in most cases. However, when using storage classes, you must be aware of the minimum capacity charge and minimum storage duration charge.