Reduce Amazon SageMaker costs with these tips

Build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale

Amazon SageMaker cost saving tips

Optimize your Amazon SageMaker costs with these tips

Use Lifecycle Configurations

SageMaker Notebooks can be expensive on an hour-by-hour basis. By using Lifecycle Configurations, you can configure your idle kernels to automatically shut down when they are not active. I often advice customers to shut down the kernels after 60 minutes. Shutdown script can be found on the AWS website.

Utilize ML Savings Plan

You can utilize machine learning saving plans for Amazon SageMaker. It is like the Compute Savings Plan for EC2, Fargate and Lambda. Often my customers opt for the no-upfront method to save up to 30% on their SageMaker instances. It is best to stack slightly smaller saving plans, so they are fully utilized.

Utilize ML Savings Plan

You can utilize machine learning saving plans for Amazon SageMaker. It is like the Compute Savings Plan for EC2, Fargate and Lambda. Often my customers opt for the no-upfront method to save up to 30% on their SageMaker instances. It is best to stack slightly smaller saving plans, so they are fully utilized.