Reduce Amazon Lex costs with these tips

Build voice and text chatbots

Amazon Lex cost saving tips

Optimize your Amazon Lex costs with these tips

Use Hugging Face

If you are using Amazon Lex at scale, you might consider hosting your own Hugging Face Conversational bot. You can use Amazon SageMaker to get started with this. It would mean refactoring your application to use the SageMaker inference endpoints.

Switch to Request / Response

Amazon Lex has two modes of operation, request / response, and streaming conversation. Depending on your use-case it might be more cost efficient to reduce the complexity of your chatbot by switching to request / response as this is around 40% cheaper.

Switch to Request / Response

Amazon Lex has two modes of operation, request / response, and streaming conversation. Depending on your use-case it might be more cost efficient to reduce the complexity of your chatbot by switching to request / response as this is around 40% cheaper.