Reduce Amazon Comprehend costs with these tips

Discover insights and relationships in text

Amazon Comprehend cost saving tips

Optimize your Amazon Comprehend costs with these tips

Monitor Usage & Costs

Regularly use AWS Cost Explorer service to monitor your Comprehend usage and costs. Identify optimization opportunities like unused jobs, endpoints, or models for deletion.

Use Batch Processing

Configure Comprehend jobs to process documents in batches, not individually. Batch processing is more cost-effective than processing each document separately.

Custom vs Public Models

Use Comprehend custom models only for tasks that cannot be addressed using existing public models. Custom models have extra costs for training and maintenance.

Service information & pricing

About Amazon Comprehend

About Amazon Comprehend

Amazon Comprehend is a natural-language processing (NLP) service using machine learning to extract insights from document sources like support tickets, emails, social media, etc. It identifies key phrases, topics, sentiment, and recognizable information, without requiring prior machine learning experience. This service is useful in business analytics, identifying sentiment, indexing product reviews, managing legal briefs, and processing financial documents.

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Amazon Comprehend pricing

Amazon Comprehend offers natural language processing, PII detection, redaction, custom classification, entity detection, and topic modeling. Costs are calculated per request, based on units processed (each unit is 100 characters), with a minimum charge for 3 units. Pricing differs depending on features used and request volume. Custom pricing is offered for over 100M units/month.

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