Reduce Amazon Aurora costs with these tips

High performance managed relational database

Amazon Aurora cost saving tips

Optimize your Amazon Aurora costs with these tips

Implement Serverless

Eliminate capacity management and pay only for what you use. This can save up to 90% of costs. You must however be aware that serverless is more expensive if you are using the database long term. Serverless databases are only cost effective for highly variable workloads.

Reserved DB Instances

You can purchase reserved database instances from AWS. This can save you up to 70% compared to on demand costs. Depending on the length of the contract and commitment. Amazon Aurora reserved DB instances have the added benefit that they are flexible.

Reserved DB Instances

You can purchase reserved database instances from AWS. This can save you up to 70% compared to on demand costs. Depending on the length of the contract and commitment. Amazon Aurora reserved DB instances have the added benefit that they are flexible.