Reduce Amazon AppStream 2.0 costs with these tips

Stream desktop applications securely to a browser

Amazon AppStream 2.0 cost saving tips

Optimize your Amazon AppStream 2.0 costs with these tips

Use Elastic Fleets

Elastic fleets only charge for active streaming, helping reduce costs compared to Always-On fleets that charge even when unused.

Right-Size Instances

Selecting instance types with appropriate CPU, memory, and graphics for your load and scaling your fleet based on usage can save costs.

Utilize Free Usage Hours

Take advantage of the included 40 hours of usage for the stream.standard.large instance type to reduce costs during Image Building.

Service information & pricing

About Amazon AppStream 2.0

About Amazon AppStream 2.0

Amazon AppStream 2.0 delivers scalable streaming of apps and virtual desktops for remote access. It supports streaming of SaaS apps, conversion of desktop ones, and doesn't require refactoring. The service offers various compute, memory, and storage options with auto-scaling to avoid overprovisioning. It operates at 99.9% uptime, works with Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client, and boosts productivity. Clients include GE, Samsung, and Cornell University.

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Amazon AppStream 2.0 pricing

Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a pay-per-use service, charging for use of Desktop-as-a-Service resources, operating systems, Always-On, On-Demand, and Elastic fleet instances, image and app block builders. Charges also apply for compute, storage, network traffic, and additional user fees for Microsoft Windows Server-based instances. Costs vary depending on instance type and usage. Amazon Linux 2 applications are exempt from user fees.

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