Reduce Amazon API Gateway costs with these tips

Build, deploy, and manage APIs

Amazon API Gateway cost saving tips

Optimize your Amazon API Gateway costs with these tips

Migrate to HTTP APIs

HTTP APIs have lower pricing tiers than REST APIs. Migrating from REST APIs to HTTP APIs can help save costs.

Optimize Caching Usage

Optimizing the use of the caching feature in API Gateway can reduce the number of calls to backend endpoints, lowering invocation costs.

Use Private APIs

For private integrations, using API Gateway's private APIs instead of public APIs can help save costs as they restrict API access within VPC and don't charge for data transfers out of AWS.

Service information & pricing

About Amazon API Gateway

About Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a managed service enabling developers to build, manage, monitor, and secure APIs that act as a 'front door' for apps to access backend data or functionality. It creates RESTful and WebSocket APIs for real-time app communication, managing traffic, access control, throttling, monitoring, and API versioning. It charges based on API calls received and data transferred. It optimizes performance and cost, provides security, and facilitates API creation.

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Amazon API Gateway pricing

Amazon API Gateway offers a Free Tier for up to one year, including one million API calls per month for both HTTP and REST APIs, and one million messages plus 750,000 connection minutes for WebSocket APIs. Beyond the free tier, you only pay for what you use, based on the API calls received and the data transferred. The pricing is tiered, with a cheaper rate applied for larger usage volumes. The service is also metered in 512 KB increments.

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