ElasticScale x Let's Get Digital

About Let's Get Digital

Let's Get Digital provides B2B event management support solutions for virtual, in-person, and hybrid events through their software. The app features numerous options for different needs, like AI-based networking proposals, data capture options, streamlined management tools, and more.


It stands to reason, then, that spikes in the platform usage can be extremely high. It’s the essence of event softwareand something the digital infrastructure must deal with. To support their further growth, Let's Get Digital relies on ES Foundation.

Choosing ElasticScale

Founder Bas Krijgsman shares how they made their choice of working with ElasticScale:

"Funnily enough, we came across ElasticScale via our own app. During an event I attended, our AI function suggested to meet Alex, the founder of ElasticScale. At the time, we were already looking for a solution to make our digital infrastructure more robust.

"We were in a nice growth phase and that brings new requirements and wishes. More automation and less time lost on the infrastructure by our dev team. Fewer dependencies too. And, of course, more grip on costs. We were looking for an infrastructure setup that immediately relieves the team and acts as a solid foundation for our further growth."

ElasticScale's Solution

With ES Foundation, Let's Get Digital now runs on a full serverless stack (AWS Fargate with Aurora Serverless V2). The infrastructure is set up with auto-scaling and scales fully automatically with the number of visitors. Standard (target-tracking) auto-scaling is not sufficient for this purpose, as during peak times the number of visitors can double within 1 minute.

The entire tech stack is dockerised with DevContainers, allowing developers to run exactly the same versions and environments as in AWS. This makes it much easier to onboard new developers.

Note: setups of ES Foundation may vary to create optimal fit with customer context.

Results and Review

As a full-service platform for the company's digital infrastructure, ElasticScale actually did even more than promised. They helped Let's Get Digital take a big leap forward in the quality of their infrastructure.

And all this without increasing costs.

As a growth company, this was crucial for Let's Get Digital, and this is what they have to say about their experience:

"ElasticScale dares to give cost guarantees. You don't see that skin in the game everywhere. It’s a nice way of underlining their entrepreneurial mindset and their focus on partnership.

"Perhaps the best result is the reaction of the team. The unrest that was sometimes present during events has disappeared. They know they can trust the infrastructure. All their energy and focus now flows towards the quality and growth of the app."

Give your team the time and freedom to get back to developing features

Security, privacy, and a reliable uptime. All neatly wrapped up into one platform. Book a call to find out how you can reduce your team's infrastructure workload.